Welcome to Dynamic Entropy Technology LLC
Our Business & Products
Contract Research & Development Services
Biomineralization process development
Wound-healing Collagen Dressings (Trademark Collagenized Dressings™)
Vaccine formulation
Drug delivery
Biomass and biochemicals (including biofuels)

Dr. Mark Feng
To develop new technologies in health sciences for better life of human beings through innovations and technology transfer
To provide R&D services for government, universities, and industries.

Our Key Advantages
Over 20 Years of Experiences
Inventor of multiple U.S. Patents
Short turnaround time
Low indirect cost (<40%)
Our Technologies
Drug, gene and vaccine delivery (Formulation)
Wound-healing dressings development and fabrication
Biomaterials (polymers, ceramics, proteins, hybrids)
Nanoparticles (Au, magnetic, CaP, Polymer, Lipid, etc.)
Delivery substrates from aligned polymer biomaterials for tissue repair
Bioencapsulation and Nanomedicine
Oral, intranasal, transdermal, intravenous, intramuscular, intracranial, intraosseous delivery
Antimicrobial product development
Tissue engineering and regeneration
Our Facilities
Chemical Reactors (Batch & Continuous), Furnace, Catalyst Manufacturing, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Biomaterial /nanoparticle characterization, Microscopies, Emulsions, Lipid Extrusion and sonication, ISO9001:2015, GLP, cGMP, ISO1485 to be certified.
Pilot plant scale biomass utilization and biofuel production

Funding News
On October 2020, DET is awarded a Phase I small business technology transfer (STTR) grant from NSF ($256,000). The work is to develop an intranasal nano vaccine for COVID-19.
On September 2019, we received a Phase I small business technology transfer (STTR) award ($225,000) from NIH. The project is antibacterial/antifungal polymer technology as medical devices for diabetic skin infections.